
Giveaway: New Year Jumpstart

Local Mom Cindy is offering a New Year Giveaway for those of you looking to get fit and healthy.  She used this program herself and is also a Certified Health Coach.  I have not used her program, and I'm not a doctor.  You should find one of those and consult them before making lifestyle changes or engaging in a fitness program (and whatever else they say as a disclaimer on TV.  We clear? Awesome). 

From Cindy: 
Do you want to lose weight, get healthy or have more energy? Then, join Certified Health Coach, Cindy Santa Ana, for the only weight loss plan you'll ever need! Join the Get Fit - Get Healthy 6-Week Jump Start starting Jan. 16. http://www.unlockbetterhealth.com/get-fit-get-healthy-6-week-jumpstart One lucky fan will win her cutting edge program!

So, to win, look! It's a Rafflecopter!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I want to jumpstart my life! Lose weight, get healthy and have lots more energy for my two little munchkins (2 and 3 year old girls. Ah!) :)

  2. Once I have my little girl in the next week, I'd love to jump start the baby weight off!

  3. This would be perfect! My baby is due soon and the doctor is pushing for a c-section, since that's how my first was born. That make it even harder to get your body back. And since I'm no longer working, I don't have my free gym where I also have time to workout for 1 hour everyday. This would be awesome to win:)

  4. To finally shed those unwanted pounds from having babies so I can keep up with them better and be healthier and a better role model for my kiddos.

  5. I would love to jumpstart things! I've been going to the gym for a few months--and have seem some results, but not what I'd like to see. I think I need to work more on food/mental health aspects. I'd love to drop those pounds in 2013!

  6. Would love to jumpstart my health this year - take care of me so I can have more energy for my littles.

  7. I need to jumpstart my overall health and wellness... I have way too much stress in my life and I am about 60lbs overweight, I really need to start focusing on ME... so that when I feel better and am in better health I can give my all to my family and those that need me! Keeping up with 3 kids is no easy task!

  8. Need to get off my couch and have more energy for the kids!

  9. Would love to jump start a healthier, more physically active lifestyle so that I can be a part of my children's lives for a long time and to show them why being healthy is important.

  10. Please join me for a FREE webinar on Mon, Jan. 14 at 9:00pm EST to learn how you can quickly lose weight, have more energy and less stress. Register here: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/6948587280042396928

  11. Just what I need to get back in shape. I'm tired of always feeling tired and I need to get my fitness back on track!:-)

  12. Would love to jump start back to the old me! After 4 kids, I find ,myself 45 pounds overweight and not able to do a darn thing about it even after gym time and a lot of failed diets-

  13. I want to feel better and have more energy so I can be a more active Mom!

  14. I'd like to jump start my fabulous at forty self-improvement plan! Only a year and a half left...

  15. I was just talking to a friend of mine about getting started with getting fit and healthy! I have NO CLUE where to even begin or what to do! I have a 3 year old that needs my attention and energy, and I think getting healthy would help me give him all my attention! :) Thanks for giving us this amazing chance to win!

  16. I'd like to jumpstart my weight loss and jumpstart my exercise routine some more!

  17. My weight! Getting healthy and losing weight are my two big "jumpstart" needs.

  18. want to be in good shape for my vbac!

  19. I would love this xtra push!

  20. Just booked a beach vacay and need to get back on track with healthy habits :)

  21. My son is 7 months old now, I would like to get my pre-baby body back before this summer so I can enjoy outdoor activities, such as hiking/jogging, with him.
