I- Co-Curricular Activities (activities that compliment learning and the SOLs, if you're into that sort of thing)
Engineering for Kids offers classes in Woodbridge at the Chinn Center and will also come to your school or location (think scouts or homeschool) if you'd like to start your own Robotics club. We worked with them on a Robotics Workshop and it was amazing. Classes are offered for ages 4 to 14, so even preschoolers can enjoy this program!

Edgemoor Art Studio is still one of my favorite favorites because of director, Ruth Johnsen, who is just amazing with children. Ruth offers art and phonics classes, starting at age 2 with "My Grown Up and Me" and going through age 16. Phonics classes start at age 4 and classes are small, but Ruth also offers private tutoring for older students. Art classes start at 2 and are fun, engaging, and use artist-quality materials. Edgemoor won the Seefeldt Award for Art Excellence this year, as well. The studio is located in Lake Ridge. These are not "crafty" classes, they're actual art lessons.
Scouting/things-similar-to-Scouting-that-don't-use-that-word-because-it's-trademarked (hereafter "scouting") can be a really fun activity if you find the right pack/den/troop for your family's level of activity. Our readers recommended:
Daisies at Yorkshire Elementary 4067
Daisies at Leesylvania Elementary Troop 866
Brownie Troop 1789 at Leesylvania Elementary
American Heritage Girls Troop 1947
American Heritage Girls Troop 0428 (All Saints)
American Heritage Girls Troop 1010 (First Baptist)
Baden-Powell Service Organization (2 out of Woodbridge)
Boy Scouts of America Pack 1364 (Pattie Elementary, Montclair)
Animated Child in Montclair offers both an all-day program, Minecraft nights out, Spanish Language instruction, art classes, and other opportunities throughout the year. In addition, they offer parents night out and parents day out programs, so if the year gets to be a little much for you and you need a glass of wine with grownups....they've got you covered.
We've never used Drama Kids, but readers mentioned it! They offer classes at the Freedom Center in Manassas, as well as the Southlake Rec Center in Montclair.
All Sports, Various Activities- Check out the newest Leisure Magazine from the county! Typically their programs are great introductions AND they are affordable.
Live in Manassas? You'll want to check out the listings for Manassas Park Community Center, too! You'll find the Freedom Center listings in Leisure Magazine (above)
II. Music Lessons (because that piano isn't just to hold your Precious Moments collection! These are in the order they were received, not alphabetical)
Jessica's music studio, manassas 703-368-3434. My 4 year old has been taking lessons for 4 months. She sees Josh and she already knows a tons. He's great with her. Heard that all the teachers there are great. Lessons run around $120/month for a 30 minute lesson once a week ( for the month).
Mary Beth Nolan, Montclair, $25 for 30 min lesson. Beginner through intermediate. 703-583-8680.
Music and Arts, Potomac Festival Mall, Miss B. $30 for 30 minutes/once a week. She is fantastic! My daughter has been with her for over a year now and plays beautifully!
I'm a piano teacher in the Woodbridge area. I have an undergrad degree in performance and a masters in music Ed. I charge $25 for half hour weekly lessons and I have 2 recitals every year and participate in piano festival for those interested. You can message me on here or through my email lessonsbystef@gmail.com (Stephanie Houde)
Kathleen at KLR Studios. Love her!! http://www.klrstudios.com/
We love Emily Condie Baird! $23 for 40 minute lessons in the Lake Ridge Area. 703-338-7359
Hello! I'm Dr. Becky Crowley, and I teach piano (and flute) in Woodbridge. While my studio is pretty full, I occasionally have some openings. I'd be happy to answer any questions your reader might have. She can contact me at Crowley.Becky@gmail.com, and she can also view my website at beckycrowley.com. Thanks!
III- Sports (activities that get some of that energy out and keep your kids fit and happy, hopefully you're into that sort of thing)
Readers Recommend:
Dale City Rec Center (Eastern PWC)
GHBL (Western PWC), t-ball starting at age 4 and baseball starting at age 6
Greater Manassas Baseball League (includes softball)
PWGFS Softball
Boys and Girls Club (Multiple Locations)
EPWBA x3 (Eastern PWC)
Upward Basketball (Multiple Locations)
Prospects Sports (Eastern PWC) ages 5 and up
We have a WHOLE separate post on that one! Click here.
Dale City Sports Clubs x3 (Eastern PWC) ages 5-12, tackle football and Cheerleading
Game Time Sportz x3 (Eastern PWC) Flag football in Lake Ridge
Youth Sports gymnastics/tumble/cheerleading
Youth Sports
Ice Sports:
Prince William Hockey Club (Our money and our kids skate with PWHC)
Other Sports:
-Parkour at Urban Evolution
-Rock Climbing at Vertical Rock
VSA (Western PWC)
PWSI x3 (Our kids played PWSI and I loved it, our daughter is returning)
NVSC x3 one parent noted Hellwig Field is cleaner than the field by Splashdown
WBSC (Woodbridge)
GMBL x2 (Western PWC)
PWGFS registration ends on August 3rd
Swim Kids (Various locations) All three of my kids swam with Swim Kids for a time, and it's well done
All Sports, Various Activities- Check out the newest Leisure Magazine from the county! Typically their programs are great introductions AND they are affordable.
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