
Guest Review: iBbeautiful

We've reviewed quite a number of boxes, so believe us when we say that this is a very special sub box.  When we opened it - we were floored by the items included and how thoughtful and lovely they were.  iBbeautiful mission is "to help young girls realize they are beautiful just as they are without comparisons to how others look or act.  We do this by offering a monthly box of inspiration that includes fun lifestyle items and a message of empowerment to help young girls be confident, smart, brave, unique and kind.  Every girl should be confident that she will become the woman she is meant to be and can achieve anything she sets her mind to". We love this box. iBbeautiful kindly sent us this box free for review purposes.

There are two age groups that you can choose a box for: 8-12 and then 13+.
For either sub you can choose  the basic box (with no t-shirt) for $20 or you can get the box with t-shirt included for $30.  If you want a one-time only box the costs are $24 and $34 respectively.

Shipping is included in the above prices.

What do you get? 
Every box will have fun lifestyle items that promote a message of empowerment to young girls.
Each box includes a card that shares their positive, caring and empowering curation for the month.  Also included is a card detailing all of the items included and their values.
Bra Strap Headband (value $8) - this is ingenious and adorable.  Not really a bra strap, but a great idea for old bras.  You can wear it so many different ways and it has quality construction.

Aspire Journal (value $3) - This notebook is the perfect size for tucking into a pocket and jotting down dreams, ideas and other important notes on the run.  The message on the front is a reminder to invest in yourself and to work for the things where your heart is.
True Girl Exfoliator (value $18.50) - We loved this gentle scrub!!  It smells like a mix of berries and apple and left our skin feeling so clean and soft.  Great for teens to help with breakouts.

Zipper Headphones (value $8) - We can't believe that the value on these headphones is so low.  They are super nice and we really like them.  The zipper on them makes storage a breeze and the cool factor is seriously on fleek (did we just say that?)
Spring Scarf (value $18) - LOVE!  This is a beautiful, soft and airy scarf that is perfect for the fashions on trend right now.  The soft pink coloring with pale chocolate detailing is dreamy.
Aspire Graphic T-Shirt (value $22) - Super well-constructed fitted t-shirt.

(Value $77.50) - Wow - this is an incredible value (considering the box only costs $30).  It is so wonderful to see a company that wants to empower young girls to love who they are, the way they are.  All of the items were very age appropriate (nothing too mature) and of a great quality.  We think this is one of our favorite tween/teen boxes.
Author Bio: Rhubarb has lived in Prince William County for almost 16 years and is the mom to three wonderful young men. She is a sometime author and is active in her church. To relax she enjoys finding seashells on the beach and snorkeling for them in the ocean. Her new website and blog Rhubarb&Blackberry: Musings of a Landlocked Mermaid is a work in progress and is more fun than she could have imagined. Her current obsession is subscription boxes (beauty, food, home & lifestyle) and she hopes to launch her own branded items sometime this year.

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