As you may have picked up on if you read this site with any regularity whatsoever, I'm my own worst critic. In fact, as I detailed, I hate having my picture taken. However, if anyone can get me to look decent, it's the amazing Nadine of Fotos by Nadine Photography. In fact, if you've seen my ugly mug trying to pretend I'm cute in Northern Virginia Magazine, Prince William Living Magazine, or on any of my recent interviews, you've seen the miracles Nadine can work with her camera.
Now just imagine what she can do with your adorable kiddos.
Nadine's sessions are an investment, but every season, she runs mini-sessions, which are a more affordable way to get in your keepsake family photos.

From Nadine:
People can email me at for details. I am donating $30 each sold slot to one of my client's sister's cancer fund.
Fotos by Nadine LLC
571 288 6395
What would the price of this be?